NoodleU 2023: Medicine & Management CE Topics
Dive deep into the scary realm of 12 hrs of RACE Approved CE. Unlock skin an dental enigmas and master pain potions. Our management professors will guide you through haunting vet practice challenges!
Earn up to 12 hours of CE with this collection of spooky courses
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Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus sp. infections have been on the rise. This lecture will discuss less commonly used systemic antibiotics, topical therapy and innovative non-antibiotic treatments such as photobiomodulation.
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Learn the complete diagnostic and therapeutic roadmap to tackling this spooky organism including selection of appropriate ear flush ingredients, inflammation control, and topical and systemic (when necessary) antibiotics.
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The role of ketamine in the perioperative and chronic pain arena in veterinary patients will be discussed.
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The pros and cons of NSAIDs in cats will be discussed. A new approach to treatment for both dogs and cats is the use of monoclonal antibodies that target nerve growth factor, a key player in generating pain. Treatment strategies will be discussed.
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What to do with what you see? This presentation will feature the most common oral diseases in dogs and cats and what should be done to treat them.
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This presentation will highlight the differences between mechanical and chemical actions, various classifications of treats, treat safety, and how to help clients choose the best and most effective dental treat.